It Takes a Community to Provide Help for Caregivers

As two men take a walk, they chat about use Lotsa Helping Hands to provide help for caregivers.

At some point in our lives, most people become caregivers. Some will care for an elderly parent, others a sick child or a friend. They will give their time and their care for days, months or years. And while they help their loved one, they will continue to work, raise their family, do laundry, pay bills, cook dinner, help with homework, mow the lawn, and maintain friendships. They will need a break – a few moments to catch their breath. They will need a way to organize, coordinate and keep their loved ones informed. Eventually, they will need to ask for help and have a way to manage that help. Help for caregivers is not always easy to ask for, but is completely necessary.

Lotsa Helping Hands is an unbelievably simple, easy and resourceful way to support a caregiver. How can you spread the word about our wonderful community? Post a comment on this post, or share our Facebook message with a friend (click the ‘share’ button below the post on the top of our page).

Our Gift to You

Once you have shared Lotsa, let us know on our Facebook Page and we will send the first 100 people an eco-friendly grocery bag to say our thanks!

Thanks for spreading the word about our free service. Help for caregivers is what we provide. Let’s make sure that everyone who needs help can get it, and those who want to help can lend a hand.