Lotsa Blog

Over 100,000 Communities Created
It’s Time for Lotsa New Year Resolutions

As one year passes and a new year has begun, marked by a fresh calendar, we spend time thinking about what we want to do differently in the coming days, weeks, and months. We ponder what worked well for us in the previous year and what we might want to change in the New Year. We consider our goals and the paths that will get us there. We think about who we want to become and make plans to change. Whether you are a caregiver or caring for a caregiver, we suggest taking a moment to consider New Year resolutions that will bring renewed peace, organization, and focus to your year. 

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Lotsa: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Lotsa Helping Hands is the gift that keeps on giving. Always there when you need it and customizable for every caregiving situation, a Lotsa Community empowers those who care to provide lasting, meaningful help to those dealing with chronic or terminal illness, rehabilitation and ongoing therapy, sudden loss or difficult situations, or any number of lifestyle changes that bring unique challenges. Lotsa is the gift that lingers long after the holiday decorations have been packed up, making a difference for a lifetime.

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5 Gifts for Caregivers this Holiday Season

Being a caregiver can be both exhausting and isolating. The very name implies a constant giving of oneself. Selfless and focused on the needs of a loved one, caregivers sometimes don’t ask for anything in return and won’t request anything specific. They are often more concerned for the needs of the person they are helping than their own. If such generous people are on your holiday list this year, here are a few ideas for gifts for caregivers that will certainly brighten their season.

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Make a Promise to Volunteer during the Holidays

“It’s better to give than to receive,” as the saying goes. This holiday season is about more than just presents under the tree and stuffing stockings with treats. It’s about giving time too. Finding time to volunteer this holiday season is a memorable way to give back to the community that has supported you and share love with those in need. If you’re interested in holiday volunteer opportunities and helping others, here are some ideas to get you going.

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We Need To Talk: Starting the Conversation about Caregiving

It’s not an easy conversation to have. It’s charged with emotions, expectations, and difficult decisions. It’s tempting to avoid the conversation rather than address the issues head on. And yet, we know that when our loved ones are facing chronic diseases, limiting injuries, or end of life challenges, we need to talk about caregiving and the path ahead. With the help of some of our partners, we are offering tips to starting the difficult conversation to facilitate smooth transitions ahead.

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5 Ways to Relieve Stress During the Holidays

It may be “the most wonderful time of the year,” but it may also be the most stressful time of the year. There can be significant pressure to get a lot done – with gift buying, wrapping, traveling, cooking, and more. With short days, cold temperatures and inclement weather, it’s hard to imagine how you will get it all done. With your caregiving responsibilities on top of it, stress can be an unwelcome guest to your winter routine. Here are a few ways to relieve stress and bring more wonderful to this time of the year.

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How Can I Help?

With thousands of caregivers in our country, we all have friends or family who are busy juggling care for multiple people while running households, maintaining jobs, raising children, and more. They are busy, often exhausted. We recognize their struggle and we want to help. Our first inclination is to ask, “How I can I help?”

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The Baby Boomers Generation is Everywhere

The Baby Boomers generation, born between 1946 and 1964, is currently the largest living generation reportedly at 76 million people standing strong. By 2020, an expected 8,000 Americans will be turning 65 on a daily basis.

Boomers are the largest, most talked-about, most influential group in American society and their triumphs and issues are areas which have the potential to affect the rest of society. It may be a good idea to pay attention to what they’re talking about!

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How to Care for a Loved One from a Distance

When you get the news that someone you love is sick or needs medical attention, the first thing you want to do is help. What happens when that loved one is far away? In another state, or even another country? How do you step in to help when you can’t actually be there? We have a few tips for long-distance caregiving that will allow you to truly help, even from far away.

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