
Help On the Homefront: How We Can Help Our Military Families

Hal Chapel, CEO and Co-Founder of Lotsa Helping Hands

This Independence Day week, we are reminded that freedom does not come without sacrifice. So many people before us – citizens of the early American colonies, national leaders, and family ancestors – have all made sacrifices for our freedom. But freedom is not static. Most freedoms we value require constant attention. Even our own personal independence demands we shoulder responsibility – financially, at work, at home, or in our community. Military families, especially, need our help to retain their own independence.

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Power of Community Series: What does Community Mean to You?

Contributed by Hal Chapel, CEO and Co-Founder of Lotsa Helping Hands

Community.  A word that evokes many different images.

Not only are we social creatures, requiring interaction with other people, but historically our species has ultimately survived and thrived by banding together into social groups we call ‘community’.  Community has not only provided protection in collective defense, but in the division and sharing of labor and resources.  But perhaps community has been most significant in offering us fundamental meaning in life.  At the end of the day, do we really judge the value of our lives by how much money we make or how many things we collect, or how much fame we achieve?  Don’t we feel most satisfied when we know we have truly affected another person positively, when we have contributed to our own communities?

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The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same

Contributed by Barry Katz, Co-Founder at Lotsa Helping Hands

In 2005 version 1.0 of the Lotsa Helping Hands service was introduced to the world.  While rudimentary in its design and feature set, it did begin to address the needs of caregivers.  This once neglected group now had some building blocks to begin organizing their thoughts and approach to caregiving.  As a Lotsa Co-Founder, and one of the providers of basic support to Community members, three early Communities stand out to me:

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With this group of people below a sunset, you can feel the power of community.
Caregiving and the Power of Community

Contributed by Hal Chapel, CEO and Co-Founder of Lotsa Helping Hands

At Lotsa Helping Hands, we are committed to shedding light on the needs of caregivers across our country. At some point in our lives, most of us will become caregivers. But the truth is, most of those who care for a loved one do not even consider themselves caregivers.


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