As the days of summer draw to a close, adults and children alike begin to feel the anticipation of September’s arrival. September has always been a time of transition and change. For most, it is the actual ‘start of a new year’. We all remember those feelings of anticipation wondering, who will be in my new class; nervousness about what will 6th grade be like; apprehension as I can’t believe I’m going to middle school; excitement about meeting up with old friends at church/synagogue; and the joy of picking out clothes after a summer of growth spurts.
This time of the year is also a chance for new beginnings. Students have a new schedule, are making new friends, and are getting involved in new activities, clubs, groups and sports teams. Girl Scout troops, Fall community leagues, and volunteer programs are starting a new year while new families are joining the church and synagogue. Communities are forming committees to plan out new events for the year.
Here at Lotsa Helping Hands, many of us use our service to organize volunteers in our kids’ classrooms, schedule our activities with our religious group for the year, or organize new childcare co-ops. While Lotsa Helping Hands is so widely used to coordinate help and offer support to caregivers, we sometimes forget the endless ways to gather and organize your Community through Lotsa Helping Hands. Around the country our service is also being used to coordinate sports teams, scout troop volunteers, garden clubs, food co-ops and animal shelters. The list goes on and on.
If you are thinking of the new beginning of your September, take a minute and consider how Lotsa Helping Hands might fit in. It’s a great time to finally create a Lotsa Helping Hands Community to organize car pools to soccer practice or to coordinate volunteer activities with your local youth board. Keep in touch with us. What is your favorite way to use Lotsa Helping Hands? We would love to hear and share your ideas!