Brooks Kenny

A woman researches employee rights as an active caregiver.
Employee Rights: Honoring Caregiving Employees this Labor Day

Whether you were enjoying the last weekend of summer, or getting ready for school to start, we hope you had a relaxing long Labor Day weekend. Though Labor Day is most often associated with the beginning of the new school year, we got to thinking about what Labor Day is really about.

Created in 1882, Labor Day is a yearly tribute to the contributions that workers have made to our country. At Lotsa Helping Hands, we hear from so many of our members who are balancing their careers and work life, with caring for a loved one or volunteering in their Community. It’s a lot to balance!

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As two men take a walk, they chat about use Lotsa Helping Hands to provide help for caregivers.
It Takes a Community to Provide Help for Caregivers

At some point in our lives, most people become caregivers. Some will care for an elderly parent, others a sick child or a friend. They will give their time and their care for days, months or years. And while they help their loved one, they will continue to work, raise their family, do laundry, pay bills, cook dinner, help with homework, mow the lawn, and maintain friendships. They will need a break – a few moments to catch their breath. They will need a way to organize, coordinate and keep their loved ones informed. Eventually, they will need to ask for help and have a way to manage that help. Help for caregivers is not always easy to ask for, but is completely necessary.

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For Our Loved Ones: How to Support Someone With Cancer

Have you ever needed to know how to support someone with cancer? Have you delivered a meal to a mother with breast cancer juggling care for her children or offered to drive a friend to a chemotherapy session? Chances are, if you have helped a person with cancer you have experienced the profound emotions that come with helping, from great joy and relief that, indeed, there is something that you can actually do to make a difference — to sadness for what your loved one is experiencing.

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10 Tips for Getting Started with Open Communities at Lotsa

We’ve been talking a lot about our new Open Communities at Lotsa. These are Communities that are created in local towns or neighborhoods, providing a place for people who need help to ask for it and for volunteers to lend a hand. If you want to get started but need some help, we’ve got 10 tips to get your Lotsa Community up and running.

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The Perfect Match – Nonprofits and Companies doing Lotsa Good

Contributed by Brooks Kenny, Lead Strategist at Lotsa Helping Hands

I’ve been lucky enough to be selected two years in a row to speak at the Silicon Valley Boomer Venture Summit where leading investors, entrepreneurs, researchers, analysts and marketers gathered to address the needs and wants of the 50+ demographic. On the agenda? The power that comes when nonprofit organizations team up with companies. As consumers, we look to companies to support social causes, to put their marketing muscle to good use. Here at Lotsa, our commitment to “doing good” is embedded in the fabric of our vision. So, you can imagine my delight to have been able to share the stage with John Feather, CEO of Grantmakers in Aging and our moderator, Sherri Snelling, CEO of the Caregiving Club to share strategies in forging these great relationships for good.

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National Volunteer Week – Let’s Celebrate!

Contributed by Brooks Kenny, Chief Marketing Officer and part of the Founding Team of Lotsa Helping Hands

It’s National Volunteer Week, and as the nation celebrates people helping one another, we are excited, inspired, and proud to be a part of it. National Volunteer Week, created by our friends at Points of Light and the HandsOn Network, is a celebration dedicated to recognizing and encouraging community members to take action and make a difference.

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