Find Help for Caregivers – Do you know Lotsa People?
Now that Lotsa Helping Hands has surpassed the one-millionth user mark, it seems that Lotsa members are everywhere. That means it’s becoming easier to find help for caregivers!
Now that Lotsa Helping Hands has surpassed the one-millionth user mark, it seems that Lotsa members are everywhere. That means it’s becoming easier to find help for caregivers!
As the days of summer draw to a close, adults and children alike begin to feel the anticipation of September’s arrival. September has always been a time of transition and change. For most, it is the actual ‘start of a new year’. We all remember those feelings of anticipation wondering, who will be in my new class; nervousness about what will 6th grade be like; apprehension as I can’t believe I’m going to middle school; excitement about meeting up with old friends at church/synagogue; and the joy of picking out clothes after a summer of growth spurts.
Have you ever needed to know how to support someone with cancer? Have you delivered a meal to a mother with breast cancer juggling care for her children or offered to drive a friend to a chemotherapy session? Chances are, if you have helped a person with cancer you have experienced the profound emotions that come with helping, from great joy and relief that, indeed, there is something that you can actually do to make a difference — to sadness for what your loved one is experiencing.
Contributed by Barry Katz, Co-Found of Lotsa Helping Hands
At Lotsa Helping Hands, we’ve been super busy with the launch of our new Open Community Model. Open Communities are designed to help more than one family, especially when members of the Community may not always know all the people being helped in the community. Open Communities are searchable using the Lotsa Helping Hands location-based search form and allow for interested volunteers to lend a hand and neighbors in need to request help. Often schools, community groups and religious organizations use the Open Community Model.
Contributed by Barry Katz, Co-Founder at Lotsa Helping Hands
In 2005 version 1.0 of the Lotsa Helping Hands service was introduced to the world. While rudimentary in its design and feature set, it did begin to address the needs of caregivers. This once neglected group now had some building blocks to begin organizing their thoughts and approach to caregiving. As a Lotsa Co-Founder, and one of the providers of basic support to Community members, three early Communities stand out to me:
Contributed by Barry Katz, Co-Founder at Lotsa Helping Hands
We have all heard, at some point in our lives, the age-old adage that ‘when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.’ I’ll guess that most of us first heard this from either our mothers or grandmothers. I also suspect that most of us, while remembering hearing it, did not really internalize it or even begin to understand it until faced with a big basket of sour lemons. When life hands you lemons, you have two choices: to give in to the lemony bitterness or sweeten the juice to bring new perspective, renewed strength and the opportunity to share the newly made lemonade.